Monday, September 3, 2007

Fiberglassing :(

Not too much has been happening with K9 lately. I've made a fiberglass mold of the head and started to cast. This is what I've learned about fiberglassing.
  • Its not as easy as it looks on the internet. Shocking, I know.
  • Resin cures really, really fast at temperatures above 100°F. Cure kinetics in action - guess those years of polymer science classes weren't a waste.
  • The above fact makes using resin in Phoenix AZ in August pretty awful.
  • Gel-coat from the local fiberglass shop is expensive.
  • Fiberglass resin gets everywhere. And it smells.

So as you can tell, I'm having a ball. I'm going to try a different approach since the first piece I casted was a disaster. In the mean time, I'm going to work on the ears and other miscellaneous k9 bits. But just to prove I've made a good effort, below is a picture of the mold for the head.

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